Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let The Only Sound Be The Overflow

Evidently Florence enjoys a little bit of casual symmetry.

A little bit of symmetry and fantastic music for you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

American Horror Story


I started watching American Horror Story a few weeks ago and have fallen in love with it. The aesthetics are just fucking wonderful. The storyline is completely different to any series I have watched before. They manage to create this world which is altogether different to our own. It reminds me a lot of a play I was in called The House On Haunted Hill. It's all very reminiscent of old style horror films through the use of costume and set design. I suppose this is helped along by the flashbacks which are able to feature old style clothing. It's just amazing and you need to watch it. Trust me.


We Never Yielded To Conformity But Stood Like Kings

"She was forcing herself to be cool, pretending to be unaffected by her friend's recent coming out to her. But she wished he hadn't said a thing, not yet, not when they were still at school. It had made them closer, of course, more intimate, but the fact of his homosexuality seemed to dominate their conversation, their time together. Even when they weren't talking about it, the subject seemed to be all around them, raw, present, uncomfortable."

- The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I had the pleasure of photographing the Post Datum first year curatorial show at Metro Arts in the city. The works were all wonderful and it was a heap of fun. I look forward to working with Post Datum more in the future, here are some snaps!

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