Friday, December 30, 2011

2011, The Year That Was

Although 2011 has been quite the rocky year in many respects, I am reluctant to empty it of all merit. To be frank, shit has gone down. Bad shit. Shit that I'm sure will still affect me for quite some time. However, this has only led me to appreciate my friends, family and life in general more and more. I've got friends who never fail to stand up for me, who have cuddled me to sleep in tears, who have stayed up into the early hours of the morning appreciating music, who have looked after me when I couldn't myself and most importantly just been there. I've got a sister who will defend me to the hilt and has supported me through many ups and downs and parents who accept me for who I am. I'll never be able to express how thankful I am for these things. In retrospect this is probably the reason I feel the need to repeat such absolutely constantly.

It occurs to me currently that my vocabulary is ridiculously insufficient to describe any of my feelings and continuing on seems defiant of every law of nature, however I feel I must soldier on.

In 2011 I have become closer to a few of the most amazing people I have ever met; their names being Marni, Tom and Georgia. You've been more help to me than you know. Seriously. You have provided me with advice as well as consort, the gift of a full night's sleep and time to forget about my worries. Thank you.

To Renee, Miranda, Ryan, Mark and Lulu, many of my fantastic memories this year have been spent with you. Whether it has been dancing without a care, nights out (many of which I would not call memories, but rather amazing blurs of excitement and adventure) or simply enjoying your company.

I've met new friends in my first year of uni. Rosie, Lynette, Bel, Claire, Steph, Felise, Soph, Rachel, Julia, Revy, Mark, Mel, Elise, Lauren, Katherine and Zoe(s) I thank you. I'm sure without your support I would have crumpled with pressure and not survived the year. You are all amazing at what you do, don't stop. You are simply inspiring. I'm so very glad to have met you all.

I've had the pleasure (and sometimes pain) of relationships with Michael, Dan and Nick. Although not all endings were peaceful you have all taught me something and given me experiences that only you could have given.

I've also met wonderful new friends in the fantastic Marist boys and co. (I am yet to understand why I feel the need to still brand you with 'Marist boys') who have proven to be great friends. I hope this continues, more catch-ups are necessary. This is the same for the amazing people I met through Rosie and Lynette, I hope we catch up soon, I miss you all! The re-meeting of Megan from primary school has been quite the pleasant surprise. Her art will never cease to amaze and inspire me as well as her friendly, kind-hearted nature.

To Samantha, my most worldly of friends, it was a great pleasure to meet you. Even from Jakarta you have supported me in ways I could not have imagined when you walked into my life at my 18th birthday party towering over all and brandishing a bottle of vodka.

And last but most certainly not least we arrive at Bejay and Jam. I think that simply the fact that past boyfriends have conceded defeat in terms of their ranking in importance in comparison to yourselves demonstrates my feelings toward you. You are more than friends, you are family. You have been with me through so much and honestly there are times where you have stopped me doing some very, very stupid things. You've brought me new experiences and I don't think it will be possible to ever forget you.

Thank you to you all.

Yours sincerely,
Razza Fraz ♥


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