Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Martin Creed


Currently displaying at GoMA in Brisbane, Martin Creed's Work No. 956 instantly grabs the attention of the viewer, after all it is a room filled with huge purple balloons. I thoroughly enjoyed this work. I think that it is a form of art that anyone can really enjoy and relate to. The exhibition; 21st Century: Art in the First Decade, being free to enter and also including works which are enjoyable for the general public, is obviously an attempt at getting the non-art minded people of Brisbane to get involved and get excited about art, and I think it's working. Creed's piece does this by bringing the viewer into to the room, once you are in the room you are a part of the artwork. You become part of the space and it is impossible to be unaware of it. You become more aware of your own movements also. Your view of something as mundane as a balloon is completely changed. The artist has also created a world in which children can be immersed in art and their interest in art can therefore prosper from an early age. I myself was taken multiple times to the Queensland Art Gallery and other such venues as a child and look at me now; absolutely obsessed.

Sometimes art is about meaning, sometimes it's about making a statement but in my opinion it can sometimes just be a lot of fun, and quite frankly who doesn't like a room full of giant purple balloons?


Photograph by me.

[Gallery of Modern Art, Art in the 21st Century: The 1st Decade, Martin Creed, Work No. 956]


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