Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Hope That No One Ever Leaves Cause I Don't Wanna Be Alone With Me


Lately I have been boiling over with pathetic teenage ANGST. I go from ridiculously happy to the lowest I have felt in a while within seconds. I needed to do something to try to deal with it so, naturally, as an art student I wrote it all out on coloured paper and made it into a 3D object.

I set to writing down the angsty (some good, most bad) thoughts that have been in my head lately. After a while it became a little bit too much, I became tired and stressed. The fact that all these painful thoughts are written on the most colourful paper I could find is kind of funny to me. When I had finished writing I stapled them all together in a mildly artistic fashion. Then I took them to some decent light to photograph them. I found that they cast dark shadows across the surface, something I hadn't really thought about before. I guess that's kind of accidentally poetic in a way; bright and happy on the outside but delve deeper and you'll find shadows.

It's funny because one of the things I wrote was 'over thinking' and this is probably all a huge amount of over thinking. I don't really know what to do but this is the best way I know how to deal with such things. Well there are others but they are severely more self destructive.

I think I'll do lots more of these because god knows there is enough angst to fill a book.










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