Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Gego (Gertrude Goldschmidt) is a Venezuelan artist of German birth. With a background in architecture her sculptures explore rigid forms and their relation to space. She usually works with interlocking aluminum and steel tubes, often with small looping links which connect them.

These works are quite similar to some of my experiments with space however they inspire me to possibly work with more rigid material than wool. It would then be possible to explore more rigid forms however I think that is deferring from the purpose. My tutor asked if I thought the project was about space or wool. I've thought about that a lot but I don't think it needs to be separate. I think my works are currently about using the medium of wool in the context of space and working with the chalenges which come with it.


References MoMA. 2011. "MoMA: The Collection- Gego (Gertrude Goldschmidt) " Accessed September 13, 2011. http://www.moma.org/collection/artist.php?artist_id=2107.


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