Thursday, September 15, 2011

It Makes Me Really Angry

It frustrates me to no end when people seem to think that the arts are completely worthless, that they don't add to the value of society or they are somehow lesser than other disciplines or professions. Obviously there are a ridiculous number of social benefits that the arts provide, however, as these benefits seem to not be high on the priorities of those who argue against the arts I will now attempt to see it from an economic stand point. So, here is a world without the arts.

There is no architecture. Goodbye to the beautiful buildings in Rome and Greece. Goodbye to the historic buildings of Melbourne that form the wonderful alleyways that flow throughout the city. Goodbye to the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Taj Mahal, the Hagia Sophia, the Statue of Liberty and many many others. These monuments attract thousands of people each year and bring millions of dollars in tourism to these countries. Not to mention the tourism revenue that arts organizations such as galleries and museums provide. Of the top 10 tourist destinations in the UK, 8 are museums.

There is no advertising or photography. There is no such thing as graphic design. Businesses have no way to connect to a client base other than way of simple text. There is no way to personalise a brand or large company therefore losing potential business.

There is no fashion industry. Retail stores all look the same and carry the same basic clothing. Individuality is non-existant.

There is no entertainment industry. No films, no video games, no music.

When it comes down to it, the arts are a major employer and create vastly more revenue than it costs to cultivate them. The arts make economic sense as well as providing countless social benefits. Society needs the arts and people who say otherwise are ignorant of the facts.


  1. What has 'Art' ever done for us?
    - People's Front of Capitalism

  2. But, when people are talking shit about "the arts" they mean art degrees.

  3. I disagree with that actually, I've had someone say 'you know I think what you do is bullshit'. And when it comes to visual art degrees... what do you think they're leading to?

  4. That second 'Anonymous' is an imposter. 'Tis not I.

  5. Architecture is different to a visual arts degree you realise

  6. Yes I am, however the same concept applies. In my opinion, from what I can gather, when people criticise the validity of arts degrees it is on the grounds that the arts are somehow useless and unnecessary. Architecture is not 'needed', we could live without it, but would we want to?

  7. Go climb back under your narrow minded rock. please and thankyou

  8. Also I would like to note that "Go climb back under your narrow minded rock." conveys some very unnecessary aggression. I'm stating my opinion, by all means state yours but do not make personal attacks, it's quite immature.

  9. i completely agree with this statement ryan is making, without art there is no humanity, i've heard this arguement for ages, and some would say that what everyone on this page is doing the ART of conversation, the creativity the put setences together. However is also see that without art what are supposed to do in life, i would never go out, i couldn't even sit at home because furniture making is an art in itself so all you fucking dicks should fucking own up and see that art is all around us and without it there is no us... :)

  10. Art is the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ryan....don't let people who have no respect for the arts get to you, it's not worth it. As you already stated, they speak out of ignorance. I will add.. immaturity and adolescence. Express yourself. -C
