Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gregory Crewdson


Gregory Crewdson creates through photography creepy, surreal, film-like images of American suburbia. He documents both the people and the space they are situated in creating painterly images filled with mystery. They often describe the precursors that lead to an event of some sort or the aftermath leaving a gap to be filled. These images tell a story but it is ultimately up to the viewer to decipher the narrative.

They suggest a dark undertone to the perfect surface of American society and lifestyle. This is thoroughly disconcerting as it raises questions in the mind of the viewer about their own lives and what lies beneath the thin top layer of perception.

This also begs the question 'what are the limitations of a photograph'? I know in my own practice that by using images solely from parties many have assumed that my friends and I do nothing but party. They have left a huge gap from my relationship with my friends. However I find this quite interesting. They say the camera never lies but it is rare that it tells the whole truth.




Crewdson, Gregory. 2008. Beneath the Roses. New York: Abrams.

White Cube Gallery. 2011. "White Cube- Gregory Crewdson" Accessed June 2, 2011.


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