Thursday, June 2, 2011

Richard Burbridge


Why on earth did I never think of stitching into my photos? You know those times when you think to yourself 'WHY ON EARTH DID I NOT THINK OF THAT FIRST!?', seeing Richard Burbridge's and Maurizio Anzeri's amazing collaboration from the June 11 issue of Dazed and Confused was definitely one of those moments.

The dramatic and strange positions of Burbridge's black and white images mixed with the colourful stitching of Anzeri which works with the contours of the face make these highly effective pieces. It is simple to see that these photographs were amazing before the stitching. The stitching simply adds to the photograph however, in my opinion, does not take away from the emotion of them. It's strange to me that the stitching can have such an edgy feel for such a traditional medium. Even past that the styling by Robbie Spencer is fantastic. He's used lots of knits and textures I suppose to fit in with the textural elements of the stitching. This contributes hugely to the overall feeling of the photographs.

This has inspired me to explore collaboration in the future and experiment with other techniques in combination with my photography.

By mixing new and old, monochrome and colour, sharp and soft and of course their own separate talents these artists have created a set of truly beautiful images.



Anzeri, Maurizio, Richard Burbridge and Robbie Spencer. 2010. "It Came From the Sky." Dazed and Confused, June 11.

McEntyre, Tamatoa . 2011. "Bitchez Get Stichez" Show Us Your Stache, May 22. Accessed June 2.


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