Monday, April 4, 2011

Dan Flavin


Dan Flavin was a minimalist artist from Jamaica who worked in sculpture by using commercially available fluorescent lights. Flavin created simple yet striking spaces with what are in escence straight lines of coloured light. The use of light appeals to me immensely as I think it is so important in the viewing of art, by making light the actual art he has created pieces which are new and interesting. It also interests me that when you think about it this art cannot be picked up, the lights can be of course, but the part that makes it interesting, the light that is emitted, can never be physically touched. This intrigues me and I hope to work with the non-physicality of light in the future.


Cooper, Ivy. Artforum. New York: Dec 2008. Vol. 47, Iss. 4; p. 307

Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts. "Dan Flavin: Constructed Light" Accessed April 4, 2011.

Fallon, Roberta. Rosof, Libby. 2010. "Contemporary Art, Who Cares? A conference in Amsterdam" The Art Blog, June 25. Accessed April 4, 2011.


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