Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Losing Faith In Humanity... Again...

For our second uni project we are given the choice to continue with our current body of work (light and dark) or start a new piece. After seeing the video above I am very tempted to start something new, something with a lot more meaning to it. With Sustainability Day coming up at my old high school I can't help but wonder if I really should direct my artistic pursuits to something more meaningful. That speech was made in 1992 and I couldn't help asking myself, what's changed? We are still slowly destroying the planet through pollution and deforestation, we still wage constant wars and we are still too greedy to give up our enormous wealth to help others.

"I don't understand why people, why every fucking person is so bad to each other so fucking often." Into the Wild.

Meanwhile over at Love Our Laneways they are attempting to negotiate with developers at Grocon to stop a wonderful laneway precinct from being lost. They have presented a fantastic and completely valid alternative plan and yet they are still unwilling to cooperate. Please go sign the petition here.

I'm now going to include the music I'm listening to on each post because well, music is a huge inspiration to me and I don't see why I wouldn't include it. It should generally tell you exactly what mood I'm in after all. Despite this angsty post I am feeling fairly happy after being asked to photograph a theatre company last night and actually completing it quite well. Also I have found the dubstep wonder that is Adventure Club through my amazing friend Tom, and I have just found a Temper Trap remix, hallelujah!


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