Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Currently feeling particularly angsty about my Modernism reading summaries. I've just finished this week's reading about De Stijl and I honestly couldn't be more uninterested in looking into it anymore... ever again. This actually makes me quite sad, why is it that the nature of education these days is that you want to get away from learning as quickly as possible and leave it behind?

When you teach something you should be teaching for life, encouraging passion and creating curiousity, not teaching temporarily for exams and destroying passion. Maybe this is just my annoyed current emotional state. Hopefully when, at some stage, I finish my graduate diploma in secondary education I will be able to go into teaching with some sort of passion for my work and teach in a way that I think legitimately helps students.

And it's ok, passenger will get me through. He can stalk me anyday.


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