Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Am Your Grandma

Jillian Mayer's I Am Your Grandma is a bizarre and actually quite catchy film documentation of a message to her unborn grandchild. Although her grandchild will almost certainly develop post-traumatic stress syndrome from watching such a film I really like the idea. I guess part of my work at the moment about my friends is about leaving documentation of the times we've had together so they won't be forgotten which is what Mayer has done here.

The piece is simply a creative explosion. The costumes worn in the film do not necessarily connote anything other than the creative side of herself. I guess this is how she wants to be remembered. Meanwhile when documenting my friends I think showing our fun side is the best way to go. It's what connects us.

Now I'm going to go to bed and enjoy my night terrors.


Jillian Mayer. (2011, May 8). I Am Your Grandma [Video file]. Retrieved from


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