Wednesday, May 18, 2011

SPG and LePigeon


SPG and LePigeon are two Montreal based photographers. They believe that there is beauty in everything. Their love for the everyday can be seen all throughout their work which includes commercial work as well as cinematography and art portraits. However the thing that attracted me to their work was the little tab on the side of their website which is labelled 'personal'.

I find it thoroughly refreshing that a site which is fundamentally about showing an artist's work and advertising can have such a personal side to it. All of the photos, even those which are considered to be commercial have a candid and personal feel to them. I really like the friendly quality of these photos. The personal photos all give such a sense of fun. You feel as if you are there in the middle of all the action. I think this comes from the movement within the photos, most are mid movement giving them this candid feel.

Through experimenting I've found it is easiest to capture these kind of images with disposables simply because of the instantaneous shutter speed and raw quality of the photographs. If photography really is about composition then I don't see anything wrong with a point an shoot kind of camera. I think I may use my disposable shots in some future art. We'll see.

Embrace social media and like them on facebook here.



SPG and LePigeon. "SPG Studio" Accessed May 18, 2011.


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