Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A New Direction


The other day I was talking to my tutor in my studio space at uni. My latest work has been based around friendship and we started talking about a collage I had done more as a brainstorming exercise than anything.

But then she had a look at the photos which were situated on the wall behind the collage. She said

"there's no reason why these are any less art than that".

It's given me a whole new direction to head in for this project. Why should I be making pretentious art pieces about my friends? That seems like such a hypocritical thing to do considering the nature of the relationship with my friends. I have deep relationships with all of them, all on different levels but reading into them and analyzing such relationships seems silly. I was trying to find some deeper meaning behind my relationships when it was sitting on the surface staring me in the face. We have fun together. And now I want to document that.


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