Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sophie Richards


When I'm doing a project about documenting the people and places around me I cannot ignore the photographs of Sophie Richards. She is a Brisbane based photographer who creates beautiful images mostly from her everyday life. I can't help but browse her blog and find myself thinking 'my god that looks like fun'. Her photographs just portray her love for her friends so well and document the feeling of the moment. However she is uncompromising with the aesthetics of the image. It is obvious that she has a true talent in instantaneous composition.

The softness of her images also appeals to me immensely. Her work is without a commercial sharpness that some photographers have. It seems to me to make the images more natural, more raw. I guess considering the subject matter of relationships and the people she knows this is highly appropriate.

I guess at some point I want to be able to capture the moments in my life in the same way.

You can find her blog here.



Richards, Sophie (2011). Sensing Owls. Retrieved from


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