Thursday, October 13, 2011

Philip Taaffe


Although working in painting Taffe's work shows the same obsession with symmetry as is shown in my own. I really enjoy this work because of the pure aesthetic nature of it. It's pretty. His attention to detail and colour makes for an image which, in the eye of the viewer, is next to perfect. These works, while being almost purely decorative, have a skill which is hard to see past.

A liking for the circular is also evident as it is in my works. I suppose this isn't surprising as circles are technically the most symmetrical of all shapes. The use of symmetry, repetition and colour makes these works truly successful.




Coen, Vittoria. 2001. Philip Taffe. Italy, Mazzotta Publishing

Taaffe, Philip. 2011. "The Official Website of Philip Taaffe" Accessed August 28.


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