Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pat Perry


Pat Perry is an illustrator from Michigan, United States.He works primarily with pen, ink and paint. He's been a huge inspiration in my latest drawings. His attention to detail and painstaking skill is amazing. His use of colour is also influential to my work, using bright watercolour colours to highlight and colour his highly intricate drawings. His process is also similar to mine in that (as an assumption from his time lapse videos) he sits and does one piece at a time all in one large block rather than beginning to draw, stopping and then coming back to it. A vital difference between our work however is scale. Although Perry does do small scale works he primarily does large scale images. This is something I would definitely consider moving into in the future however at the moment I feel that university does not permit it time-wise. His works have a surrealist dream-like quality to them which I also rather enjoy and endeavor to recreate in my work. I have been blown away by these drawings, I honestly cannot believe his skill and imagination.

Photobucket Photobucket


Danilo. "Surrealist Artworks by Pat Perry" Accessed October 13, 2011.

Perry, Pat. "P@ Perry" Accessed October 13, 2011.

Perry, Pat. "P@ Perry- Blog" Accessed October 13, 2011.


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