Saturday, October 22, 2011

Damien Hirst


How on earth did I pass up researching Damien Hirst until just now when I've been working with skulls? It truly defies logic. However now I shall. Hirst's 'For The Love Of God' is essentially a skull covered in diamonds. It cost £14 million to produce and the later asking price when it was exhibited was £50 million. This would make it the single most valuable piece of art sold by a living artist. Hirst has used the symbolism of a skull, connoting death and created something beautiful. He has made something extravagant from something which is representative of the absolute nil of a human. I find this interesting. I hope to create something more from the skulls I use than simply a representation of death.


Hirst, Damien. 2007. "For The Love Of God: The Making Of The Diamond Skull" California, Other Criteria/White Cube.


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