Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Andy Warhol


Although not necessarily using symmetry within his work, Warhol's use of block colours has inspired some of my latest pieces. I love that, although not using a huge amount of detail, Warhol is able to create striking works of art. Perhaps this is the reason for their success. By using simplified shapes and colours in his famous pop art style I also hope to create pieces that instantly jump out to the viewer.I've been a long time admirer of Warhol's work and I believe he has had a great impact and influence upon my art for many, many years.



Queensland Art Gallery. 2007. Andy Warhol Exhibition Catalogue, 2007. Queensland: Queensland Art Gallery

Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts. 2011. "Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts." Accessed October 12, 2011.


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