Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Antony Gormley


I saw Antony Gormley's work ages ago but it didn't even occur to me how similar it really is to my own work! His use of, once again, a medium which is long and thin like string (in this case wire) is used to create objects which are solid (but not?). He uses the wire to create voids in space and thus uses negative and positive space to make shapes. This working of a material which is so very close to two dimensional to create three dimensional shapes is highly effective.

In my pieces I hope to do the same thing with a large scale. I hope to, like Gormley, use staight lines to create curves and voids in space so as to create effective works with great impact for the viewer.





Caiger-Smith, Martin and Antony Gormley. 2009. "Antony Gormley" London: Tate Publishing

Gormley, Antony. 2011. "Antony Gormley Official Website" Accessed August 28. http://www.antonygormley.com/


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