Monday, August 29, 2011

Ed Bing Lee



Ed Bing Lee knits food. It sounds completely bizarre but he works to create fantastic sculptures from products such as waxed linen, raffia and cotton. In his collection 'delectables' he recreates food with his signature materials. I found it interesting because of the similarity in materials to my current works, plus they're pretty darn cool to look at. I think these works are successful because he has taken food (something that everyone can relate to) and used a material which is not traditionally used to portray such things. Everyone I have shown these works to seems to love them and I guess I hope for people to relate to my work in the same way. Hopefully that comes from my 'crafty' point of view.



Bing Lee, Ed. "Ed Bing Lee- Delectables" Accessed August 29, 2011.


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