Monday, August 29, 2011

Chiharu Shiota


Chiharu Shiota's large scale installations and performances deal with sleep, night and the self-forgetfulness of the dreaming body. She uses woolen thread (usually black) to create her amazing pieces. Her approach to this style, although very similar in medium and space to Tomas Saraceno, contrasts with his work. The messy and chaotic nature of her style makes the thread into an almost solid space and creates walls that could realistically be pulled down in one swipe of the hand. This creates fantasy-like spaces and landscapes which play with the viewer's perception of what is real and unreal.

This approach to work amazes me. The time and effort required to create such spaces is obvious in the finished product. I hope to create large scale installations such as this with thread also. Perhaps in the second half of the semester I will take my thread and stitching pieces to a new level and new, larger scale.




Kataoka, Mami and James Putnam, Chiharu Shiota. 2011. Chiharu Shiota. Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH & Co KG.

Shiota, Chiharu. "Chiharu Shiota- Official Website." Accessed August 29, 2011.


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