Monday, August 29, 2011

Jim Drain


Jim Drain's work shows an obvious obsession with colour. He works and experiments with many different materials, textures and colours to create rooms with great impact for the viewer. Generally he uses multiple sculptures within one space. I guess he uses crafty technique simply on a huge scale. His sculptures have very loose form, almost like giant soft toys. They're reminiscent of primitive forms (fish nets and the like).

On the other hand in some of his works he uses circles and paint to create very sharp, graphic and decorative spaces. In these pieces he explores pattern and colour once again without the intervention of texture. I suppose my works are more textured than his circular works however the same fascination with colour and pattern is evident especially in my early canvas pieces.




Green Naftali Gallery. 2011. "Green Naftali Gallery: Jim Drain" Accessed August 29, 2010.

Kushner, Rachel. 2004. "Jim Drain" Artforum 43 (4): 203


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